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What Should I Eat Before My Workout?

If you want to better your performance during exercise and help your body to recover more quickly afterwards, let’s talk pre-workout nutrition. As promised in our past blog about post-workout nutrition, here are some tips to help you prepare yourself…
Train Together
15th August 2019

The Lowdown on Fitness Retreats

We’re getting a bit excited now we’ve planned our next fitness retreats in 2020, so thought we’d get you clued up on what a fitness retreat actually is, and what you can expect when you go on one. So, what…
Train Together
8th July 2019

Eat, Sleep, Train, Repeat

We know you can often find us preaching about the importance of being motivated to get up and do some exercise, but we also recognise it’s impossible to achieve a good workout if you’re not giving your mind and body…
Train Together
16th April 2019

The Top Fitness Trends for 2019

The Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2019 has been published! The survey is sent to over 30,000 fitness professionals and gives a pretty good indication of what the main fitness trends are going to be for the year ahead.…
Train Together
11th January 2019