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RLI Children’s Ward Fundraiser!

Last August we worked hard with all of our members to raise money for charity, and this year’s no different! We all have youngsters in our lives – our own kids, nieces and nephews, grandchildren - and so this summer…
Train Together
29th July 2015

Bikini Body Ready in 4 Weeks

Dreading getting back into your bikini? Holidays are coming and you’re feeling sluggish, overweight, and unhappy with your body. What if I told you that we can guarantee you’ll lose weight in just one month? If you are going away…
Train Together
15th July 2015

Picnic Favourites

We love a good picnic here at Train Together and we love really good food. Food that tastes great, is good for us and makes us look amazing. We believe that the trick to healthy eating is knowing exactly what’s…
Train Together
15th July 2015

Keeping Your Staff Healthy

We all know that regular exercise has countless benefits for you and your body. Appearance and body shape aside, keeping fit is a fantastic way to improve mood, productivity and overall health. Train Together is placed in the centre of…
Train Together
24th June 2015

Men’s Muscle Up Programme

After the great success of our Muscle Up programmes, we will be running another course in 2015. The aim of this course is to build muscle and improve strength. It's all about getting stronger and getting bigger. We are looking for…
Train Together
12th June 2015

6 Personal Trainer Benefits for You

A Personal Trainer is no doubt a wise investment– an expert entirely devoted to you and your fitness goals. However, Personal Training can be an expensive decision (especially if you’re not totally sure what to expect). Here are just 6…
Train Together
5th June 2015

Summer Unlimited Package

There's not much today that you could get with just £1 in your back pocket. A can of Coke? A Mars Bar? What if we told you that for LESS than £1 per day, we could change your life? That…
Train Together
27th May 2015

Fitness for Fifty Plus

As we get older our lifestyle begins to slow down. We start experiencing more aches, more pains and lose the confidence we once had (and took for granted) to do the everyday things that we enjoy most. As you get…
Train Together
20th May 2015